In the past few years there is a growing concern for the environment and consumers are more aware and sensitive in saving energy. New buildings should be environmentally friendly and have zero or almost zero energy consumption. According to the EU legislation all member states should ensure that: After December 31, 2018, all new government buildings either rented or owned should have nearly zero energy consumption and after December 31, 2020 all new buildings should have nearly zero energy consumption.
Our company,, can offer complete solutions for the construction or renovation of buildings with almost zero energy consumption and during the last few years has invested in the effort to inform both the industry professionals and the consumers about the benefits of energy savings in buildings. Under the trade name Epiphaniou Energy the company obtained both the materials and expertise needed to move towards the zero energy buildings. Significant effort is channeled in the training of our employees and we are proud to have an experienced and well trained team of sales engineers that can offer the solutions needed for energy savings in your building.
For more information visit our official website, click here to view the full range of products.